Xiaoqing Qin
Associate / Project Managerxiaoqing.qin@platstudio.net
As a landscape designer at PLAT studio, Xiaoqing is passionate about using landscape architecture as a catalyst to create joy and increase value by creatively highlighting the unique cultural, ecological, and artistic details of each site. Before joining PLAT, Xiaoqing gained experience working in the US and China on projects of different scales including universities, developments, community and contryside projects.
Xiaoqing also did some academic research and practical work on landscape ecological infrastructure and urban revitalization in the field of urban design. She served as guest lecturer and recruitment assistant at Washington University in St. Louis, and president of the St. Louis Student Chapter, American Society of Landscape Architects. She is the winner of Anova ASLA Grant, special recognition for innovation and CityStudioSTL awarded founding.
Xiaoqing holds a Master of Landscape Architecture from Washington University, St. Louis; a Master of Science, Landscape Architecture from Peking University, China; and a Bachelor of Agriculture, Landscape Gardening from Beijing Forestry University, China. She is a member of ASLA, and certified SITES AP.