Tuscany Hills: An Ecological Approach to Residential Development
July 6th, 2020
Lake Tulloch, California

PLAT Studio strives to create livable, attractive, and sustainable places that serve the needs of the present and the future and that exceed the limitations of time to become an integral part of the urban and social fabric.We accomplish this by looking closely at the site’s unique site features: topography, ecology, history, and culture and by working with those existing conditions to create designs that respect the spirit of the place while making progressive strides towards a framework that supports future growth. This respect allows us to create places that can adapt and harmonize with the surrounding landscape and its existing rhythms.

In the tradition of California's Sea Ranch and other ecologically balanced residential developments, PLAT Studio has partnered with Great Ecology to design a development with habitat and ecosystems at the forefront. Located in California's Sierra mountain foothills, these golden grasslands retain their old oaks and natural beauty. PLAT has engaged with the developer and ecologist in order to form a vision for a residential development that includes a regional park which preserves natural beauty and promotes local engagement with ecosystems.

Tuscany Hills, 1,100 acres of open California countryside, sits on the southwest edge of Tulloch Lake. The initial masterplan prioritized housing density and golf course amenities over the existing natural value of the site. Through site study, PLAT Studio and Great Ecology propose a less dense masterplan focused on conservation of waterfront habitat and enhancement of the existing California landscape. By reducing the number of single-family homes on site, the new proposal takes advantage of the expansive countryside and offers a California Ecological Reserve to add value to the overall development.